You do not need to print these forms. They are provided here for you to review at your convenience. You may request they be mailed to you or they will be provided, and explained, at your consultation.
PAR-Q – Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
It's always wise, and recommended, that everyone check with their physician before beginning an exercise program or increasing their physical activity. The 7 simple questions on the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start. Regardless of your previous or current level of activity, Priority One requires a completed PAR-Q from all clients.
This form enables you to share details regarding your current level of activity, previous or existing health concerns, daily physical demands etc. This form take the guess work out of what information helps to create a fitting, progressive program designed specifically for you.
While the utmost care is always taken when working with clients and a great deal of concern always applied to recommendations and program design, all clients must acknowledge that they enter into a Personal Fitness Training relationship of their own accord, knowing fitness training, whether corrective or progressive, carries with it an inherent risk regardless of the precautionary measures or tactics which are put into place.